Saturday, October 18, 2008


The wispy threads drape across my path...across my face. They block the way to the car by spinning their webs in the night between the rosemary plant and my car's mirror. They dare us to enter the garage through the barricade they've strung across the doorway. They taunt the letter carrier by stringing their traps near our mail slot. I'm often forced to destroy their artwork, waving a stick or dried stalk of hollyhock, as if performing incantations. Pumpkins Spiders are good mojo. Nature's Halloween decorations. They eat bugs but DANGIT I hate it when they end up in my hair.

They are just one of the harbingers of autumn along with pumpkins at the market and apples arriving to take the place of the summer's zucchini abundance. I gladly accept even the homeliest of apples from Mark's customers. This week I filled the crockpot at night and awoke to the heavenly smell of applesauce. I suspect there will be apple pie for Sunday dinner. I do love autumn.


Monica... That One Girl said...

mmm.... I love when dad's customers equal apple pie on Sunday.

I was just thinking, the other day, how it felt like Halloween season. Maybe it's the chill in the morning air, as I walk to campus (for work or school), or possibly the earlier sunset, but the other night, as I sat at KHSU until about 7pm, helping with a pledge drive project, it just felt like autumn.

Even in the land of evergreens, the change of season is welcome.

Time to remember how to knit scarves again, I think.

Kym said...

I love the image of waving stalks like preforming an incantation. Well done!

Indie said...

I love autumn too, and for the same reasons: apples, pumpkins, Thanksgiving, Halloween, the impulse to bake, the crisp weather, the BLUE Humboldt sky, pajamas and slippers.:) Thanks for bringing a smile to my face this morning!