I awoke this morning to the realization that my dreams (actually nightmares it seems) included numbers and budgets.
Arrrgh! When I checked the tide table in the paper and found I was right on the end of the low, 0.1 ft. tide, I decided that a trip to the water was exactly what I needed.
Putzin' around (my mom's word) the freshly washed rocks, at the base of the jetty, I found juicy little anemones

and the most beautiful shells -- pretty lemon-colored and green-striped beauties, huddled among the barnacles. Unfortunately, they were still occupied and I have my rules -- no killing something just
cuz it's house would look pretty in MY house.

I also came across this nice little shell and I picked it up to find that little crabby dude found it first. Oh well, finders keepers.

I headed out on the jetty to watch the surfers for awhile, a great vantage point to be next to or even behind the break. The waves weren't big. Catch one perfect and get a short ride. Hesitate or miss and get
nothin'. Lots of boards out though, including this guy on a stand-up

Luckily, I was rewarded by the low tide. Three, perfect silver-dollar sized sand dollars and a good pretty orange whelk (I think that's what it is) -- an empty one that was fair game. A great start to my weekend and it feels like I beat another storm to the punch.