Proud owner of her driver’s permit, Gloria has been driving us to CR every morning. So today we’re southbound on 101 in the fast lane past Herrick only until everyone in the slow lane decides whether or not to get a “Joe to Go” in Humboldt Hill. Bright red Chrysler mini-van swerving into the bike lane…and back….and forth….WTF? It’s kinda early for a DUI. As we pass, I screw on my best scowl, preparing to find someone on a cell or fumbling with a smoldering spliff….Nope, woman rubbing lotion into her hands….both hands OFF the wheel at 60 mph getting her mitts silky smooth. Keeee RYST woman! At least when she goes off road and is burned to a crisp she’ll have soft fingerprints to identify her body.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Goin' fishing with Dad meant I got to wear a ponytail. Mom didn't like the way the rubber bands tore at my hair and they didn't make the wrapped ones then. So, this was a big-girl operation of grand proportions in my mind. The picture also brings to mind a day on the wharf when we realized Dad's knotting skills were not what he thought them to be. He took Mom's red rubber bucket to the pier, tied a rope to it and lowered it into the murky depths to collect water for the legion of fish we would surely catch. I still remember hauling up the rope.....with no bucket. Dad was SO in trouble for losing that bucket.
Friday, April 18, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

As a tax payer in the City of
I was doubly pissed at hearing Councilman Mike Jones who had determined that the claims by employees were “baseless”. When people are willing to risk their jobs to speak publicly, doesn't it deserve at least a look-see? Even if the claims appear to be without merit, isn't it worth at least a cursory look? To listen to those officers and staff THEN respond with a FIVE YEAR CONTRACT renewal, is shocking to me. Um, City Council? You couldn’t wait maybe a day? A week? Maybe go with a one-year contract until this mess can be sorted out?
To clarify, I don't know IF there is a basis for these complaints. I'm not even sure I care. I'm fairly certain, though, that even if this were the planning department or public works management that displayed such inner drama, someone would at least CONSIDER the issue for a nano-second.